The basic formula to lose weight – β€œ calorie deficit vs carbs β€œ( Tamil )

Say β€œYES” if cutting back on snacking has helped you on your weight loss journey

Return to the UK from Thailand

How I Lose Weight Virtually On Demand | 2112+ Intermittent Fasting | Case Study 2, Day 10 #fasting

Healthy changes you can make with your kids | @IndigoNili | Keto Chow

Lose 15 to 30 Pounds in 30 days | Intermittent Fasting Case Study 2, Day 13 #intermittentfasting

Lose Weight, Keep It Off | 2112+ Intermittent Fasting | Case Study 2 Day 18 #fastingcoach #dieting

Live with Les Living in Thailand my UK Trip

The 5 ESSENTIAL Weight Loss Rules for RESULTS!

Understanding Ketosis: The Metabolic Shift Behind the Keto Diet

Lose 12+ LBS W/ 2112+ Intermittent Fasting Method | Case Study 3, Day 19 #intermittentfasting #keto

I Did No Carbs and No Sugar for 15 Days!

2112+ Intermittent Fasting Case Study 1 | Day 9 Weight #fastingcoach #intermittentfasting #keto

At a Campaign rally | Donald Trump Was Shot In The Right Ear, Killing The Shooter | productsadsr

2112+ Intermittent Fasting Method | Lose Weight Fast & Easy | Case Study 2, Day 7 | #fasting #keto

Carnivore Diet? WTF! #carnivore #carnivorediet #ketodiet

Why your blood sugar spikes on carnivore & keto diets

Say β€œYUM” if you would eat this Chicken Shawarma #ketodiet #keto #ketogenic #ketomeals